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The history of cigars in Ireland is not well documented, but it is known that cigars have been imported into the country for centuries. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, cigar smoking was a popular pastime among the upper classes, and a number of cigar shops and lounges opened in cities like
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Dublin and Cork. However, the rise of cigarette smoking in the mid-20th century led to a decline in cigar smoking in Ireland, and many cigar shops closed. Today, cigars are still enjoyed by a small but dedicated group of aficionados in Ireland, and a few cigar shops and lounges have reopened in recent years.
The history of cigars in Ireland is not well documented, but it is known that cigars have been imported into the country for centuries. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, cigar smoking was a popular pastime among the upper classes, and a number of cigar shops and lounges opened in cities like
Number of Products: 5
Average Price: USD$ 33.00
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