Cuban Rounds are a luxurious smoking experience, with blends that highlight the quality of the leaves and layers of flavor that evolves through a slow burn. They aren’t meant to be saved for special celebrations, however. Cuban Rounds are the cigars to smoke after dinner, among friends, at work functions,
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and every summer evening. They’re approachable for beginners, complex for enthusiasts, and are sized for anytime enjoyment.
Handcrafted, all-natural, and affordably priced, Cuban Rounds brings an exceptional experience of heritage and tradition to the everyday consumer. The well-balanced cigars feature intuitive blends and construction that are reminiscent of Cuban mastery, offering layers of textured flavor with every puff. Refined, nuanced, and perfect, each smoke highlights the quality of the leaves and the complexity of the tobacco within.
Handcrafted, all-natural, and affordably priced, Cuban Rounds brings an exceptional experience of heritage and tradition to the everyday consumer. The well-balanced cigars feature intuitive blends and construction that are reminiscent of Cuban mastery, offering layers of textured flavor with every puff. Refined, nuanced, and perfect, each smoke highlights the quality of the leaves and the complexity of the tobacco within.
Cuban Rounds are a luxurious smoking experience, with blends that highlight the quality of the leaves and layers of flavor that evolves through a slow burn. They aren’t meant to be saved for special celebrations, however. Cuban Rounds are the cigars to smoke after dinner, among friends, at work functions,
Number of Products: 4
Average Price: USD$ 5.68